Anti-Graffiti Window Film

We all enjoy art in its various forms. Some people prefer grand architecture or ancient sculptures. Others can’t live without explosive music or impressionist paintings. However, sometimes art can turn into an act of vandalism. For example, even a small graffiti can destroy public or private property and damage your reputation. Moreover, its removal can cost you a significant sum of money.

US cities together spend $12 billion every year to clean up graffiti. Not only does it include cleaning the buildings’ walls but it also involves replacing the windows. Taggers use spray paint, markers, and even acid that is capable of etching the glass. Thus, the damage is irreversible. Still, there is a simple solution to this problem. If you don’t want to spend some big bucks on regularly buying new glass, you can apply an anti-graffiti window film. It is, undoubtedly, an easy way to save your money and protect yourself from unnecessary stress. 

How anti-graffiti window film works

Anti-graffiti window film is an almost transparent coating that functions as a protective shield for your windows. Whether applied to the interior or exterior windows, it absorbs the impact of vandalism. Damages caused by paint or markers can be removed from the film without the extra usage of strong chemicals. In case of bigger harm, like scratching or etching, our certified professionals can effortlessly replace the film. That is to say, anti-graffiti window film excludes the expensive replacement of property and challenging cleanup. 

Other benefits of the film

Apart from protecting you from vandalism, anti-graffiti window film has a few other benefits. 

  • It blocks up to 99% of harmful UV rays. UV radiation proves to cause skin cancer and worsen eyesight. Besides, household items suffer from UV rays as well. They fade fabrics and damage wooden furniture. By applying anti-graffiti window film these problems can be prevented. 
  • Also, the film can significantly reduce glare and enhance your privacy. While you can have unlimited access to natural light, the access to your private life for observers is quite limited. 
  • Another advantage of the anti-graffiti film comes with its safety abilities. In case of a broken window, the film holds glass fragments together. Thus, you are protected from injuries caused by shattered glass. 


Summing up, anti-graffiti window film is an effective and economical solution for the harm caused by taggers. This transparent shield eliminates the need for expensive glass replacement. What is more, you get such benefits as the reduction of UV radiation and glare, and enhancement of your safety and privacy. 

So, why not try applying the film? Our team is eager to help you with this.

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