Bird Strike Window Film

In the urban tapestry of skyscrapers, birds seem to play an inevitable role in preserving the natural greenery. Not only are they crucial for maintaining the ecosystem, but they are also important for people. Birds contribute to our well-being. They fascinate us with their beauty, freedom, and voices as they ride the air currents through the concrete jungle.

However, modern buildings pose a danger for birds and vice versa. Collision between birds and windows has become a common problem. Basically, birds confuse the reflection of the sky on the window with the real sky and try to fly through. In other cases, they try to reach the light coming through the window. As a result, birds are injured and windows are damaged. A solution to this problem can be a bird strike film.


How bird strike film works

Bird strike film has particular patterns visible to birds. Thus, birds can see and avoid glass surfaces, which greatly reduces colliding. Considering human comfort, the film retains transparency, although its patterns and colors vary. This gives you a chance to choose the aesthetic that better suits your building. Whether it is lined or dotted, bird strike window film can ensure your comfort and protection.

Other benefits of the film

As has been noted, bird strike film can eliminate birds’ collision with glass and prevent you from window damage. These, however, are not the only advantages of the film.

  1. It reduces the amount of heat coming through the window. Such a benefit is evidently helpful in hot weather. The less heat enters your building, the less money you will spend on cooling systems. Therefore, the film proves to be energy efficient.
  2. It also minimizes the glare and keeps your privacy. Thanks to this, you can enjoy a movie on a big screen without hiding from the sun and onlookers.
  3. Another benefit of the film is its ability to save your money. In case of window damage, our professionals can easily replace the film. It implies that you will no longer need to spend lots of money on buying new windows.


To sum up, bird strike film is the best option for those who want to avert potentially harmful collisions. It guarantees human comfort and maintains transparency while offering a variety of patterns. Additionally, it shows that you care about the environment and our ecosystem.

So, why not contact us? We will gladly help you install the film.

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