Solar Window Film

Kurt Cobain once sang, “In the Sun, I feel as one”. For centuries, humanity has been adoring the sun. It is the main source of light and energy for planet Earth. Without the sun, we would not be able to last a few weeks. No wonder that if you’re in the sun, you are the center of attention. You are fulfilled, accomplished, and satisfied. The language says it all. However, little does it say about the drawbacks of being exposed to the Sun. Sun rays, evidently, are harmful to human health. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, they may cause premature aging, skin cancer, and eye damage. Thus, it is crucial to protect yourself from any possible prolonged exposure to the sun. In addition to hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen, you should certainly try solar window film.

There is no other way to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Energy Efficiency

Who doesn’t want to spend less money on their utility bills? The hotter the summer is, the more money you pay for cooling systems. The colder the winter is, the more money you spend on heating your building.

Obviously, people can adjust in order not to spend an excessive number of bucks on electricity. On the other hand, they can choose to apply a solar window film. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, it improves energy performance. Solar window film enhances energy efficiency by regulating the passage of UV radiation, far- and near-infrared, and visible sunlight. All in all, “window film may offer year-round savings of about five to 10 percent of the buildings’ total energy bill”, states Darrell Smith, the executive director of the International Window Film Association (IWFA).

An almost invisible film applied to your window is an easy way to save some money and use it for a bigger goal.

Reduced UV Radiation

Undoubtedly, we all want to stay as healthy as possible. As has been noted, sun exposure is the one to avoid in such case. Statistics prove that almost 90% of melanomas are caused by UV radiation from the sun. Furthermore, extended exposure to sunlight can result in the development of cataracts or the deterioration of eyesight.

You can protect your health by installing solar window film. It reduces UV radiation by blocking up to 99% of harmful UV rays. Not only is it beneficial for a human, but it also prevents your household items from fading. UV radiation contributes to roughly 40% of the fading experienced by furniture. Another 50% is connected with visible light and solar heat (25% each). Solar window film can certainly solve most of these problems. Although it doesn’t stop the fading completely, but it greatly reduces and slows down the fading process, helping furniture and property last longer. You will no longer have to spend extra money on stripping the wood or dying the fabrics.

Reduced Glare & Enhanced Privacy

Using blinds or drapes can guarantee your privacy and help you with annoying glare. However, these options are short-lived. Moreover, they block the natural light, so you have to spend your day in darkness.

Solar window film can help you enjoy the sunlight and be safe from glare. It has no practical impact on the workspace. Neither does it have a visual impact on your home. Instead of hindering the sight, the appropriate window film can maximize the flow of light through a window, tailored to the specific needs of each situation. Additionally, it can save you from unwanted onlookers. Given this, you will have permanent protection with unlimited access to natural light.


While the sun is crucial for our life, it is also important to remember about its hazards. Solar window film can help you protect your health, save money on your utility bills, and avoid irritating glare. Why not give it a try with our team?

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